Deposits application allows to manage your deposits in easy and comfortable way. Thanks to statistics and charts you will get to know exactly how much did you saved.
- create, edit and delete deposits
- list of open and closed deposits
- ability to add deposits description
- deposit details containing calculated profit, tax and effective interest rate
- ability to mark deposit as inactive (deposit will not be shown in statistics and summary)
- month summary (amount, profit, total profit, average deposit)
- notifications about end of deposits
- ability to create and restore backup of application data
- statistics and charts (amount, profit, total profit, average deposit)
- ability to change currency and language
- compound interest
Application displays ads when connected to the Internet.
Deposito aplikasi memungkinkan untuk mengelola deposito Anda dengan cara mudah dan nyaman. Berkat statistik dan grafik Anda akan mendapatkan untuk tahu persis berapa banyak Anda simpan.
- Membuat, mengedit dan menghapus deposito
- Daftar deposito terbuka dan tertutup
- Kemampuan untuk menambahkan keterangan deposito
- Rincian deposito mengandung dihitung laba, pajak, dan suku bunga efektif
- Kemampuan untuk menandai deposito sebagai tidak aktif (deposit tidak akan ditampilkan dalam statistik dan ringkasan)
- Ringkasan bulan (jumlah, laba, laba total, deposito rata-rata)
- Pemberitahuan tentang akhir deposito
- Kemampuan untuk membuat dan mengembalikan backup data aplikasi
- Statistik dan grafik (jumlah, laba, laba total, deposito rata-rata)
- Kemampuan untuk mengubah mata uang dan bahasa
- Bunga majemuk
Aplikasi menampilkan iklan ketika terhubung ke Internet.
Deposits application allows to manage your deposits in easy and comfortable way. Thanks to statistics and charts you will get to know exactly how much did you saved.
- create, edit and delete deposits
- list of open and closed deposits
- ability to add deposits description
- deposit details containing calculated profit, tax and effective interest rate
- ability to mark deposit as inactive (deposit will not be shown in statistics and summary)
- month summary (amount, profit, total profit, average deposit)
- notifications about end of deposits
- ability to create and restore backup of application data
- statistics and charts (amount, profit, total profit, average deposit)
- ability to change currency and language
- compound interest
Application displays ads when connected to the Internet.